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TVJ to file case against TAPE over YouTube channel with 5 million subscribers

The development comes days after the apparent “retrieval” of the channel.

In separate statements last weekend, TVJ Productions, which is owned by Tito Sotto, Vic Sotto, and Joey de Leon, and Television and Productions Exponents, Inc. (TAPE) addressed the issue regarding the ‘Eat Bulaga!’ YouTube channel.

Firstly, TVJ camp described the “news very disturbing.” Whereas “TAPE is announcing to the public that it regained access to the EAT BULAGA YouTube channel. This means that they previously did not have access.”

They also added that the “owner of the YouTube channel is the owner of the email used to register it. It is not TAPE. That is why they never had access to this account.”

They insisted that the “content of that YouTube account are past episodes of Eat Bulaga. The copyright of those shows and all derivative works belong to TVJ.”

To end, they announced that they are “preparing the appropriate legal action against TAPE” over the matter. They believe that what occurred might be a “cyber crime if they hacked into the account or made misrepresentations to YouTube.”

TAPE had also replied to that, and clarified that they “did not hack the account.” The company also claimed ownership of the channel, which they said is the reason for their coordination with YouTube “to change the email and the password and the new contact person in behalf of the company.”

The ownership, they said, stems from the “person who made the account was an employee of TAPE when she made the account and she made the account in behalf of TAPE, Inc.” Moreover, TAPE is also willing to show receipts from YouTube, with the bank account linked to the channel also being owned by TAPE.

Google, the parent of company of YouTube, has not issued a statement as of press time regarding the matter.

The news about the retrieval broke out on September 5 when observers pointed out the change in profile picture and banner photo, which now reflects the new ‘Eat Bulaga’.

It was only last Saturday, September 9, when TAPE began uploading videos and live streamed an episode on the channel.

It can be recalled that TVJ left TAPE, Inc. last May 31, a few months after the rift between their group and the management led by the Jalosjos family first broke into the public consciousness.

Eventually, TAPE relaunched “Eat Bulaga” with new hosts, with TVJ team striking a deal with Mediaquest for the TV5 noontime show “E.A.T.” that started in July.

On June 30, TVJ filed a “copyright infringment and unfair competition” case versus TAPE, Inc. and broadcast network GMA Network, Inc. where ‘EB’ has been airing for 28 years. The case is still ongoing at the Marikina Regional Trial Court.

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